Use Cases

Use Cases

The PTV xServer cover a wide range of possibilities. For each possibility we offer an adequate use case. In order to simplify the search of the required use case the most common ones are listed below by PTV xServer.


PTV xLocate

How to Install x-digit postcode

How to Access Additional Geographic Data Stored in a Database

How to Find POI by Address

How to Find Addresses Using Aliases

How to Find POI by Location

How to Geocode Using Bulk Function

How to Handle Long Postal Codes

How to Search an Address

How to Search Addresses by Locations

How to Search for Combined Transport Stations

How to Use Suggestion Search

Additional Use Cases

PTV xRoute

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_SpeedPatterns

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TruckSpeedPatterns

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_PreferredRoutes

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TimeZones

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_RestrictionZones

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TrafficIncidents

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TruckAttributes

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TruckWaitingTimes

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_GeneralTruckRestrictions

How to Use High-Performance Routing

How to Install Traffic Patterns

How to Install TrafficInfoLoader

How to Use legacy Truck Attributes

How to Calculate Route Information

How to Use Route Calculation

How to Route with Time Restrictions (Trip planning)

How to Search for a Reachable Area or Objects

How to Use Routing Parameters

How to Route Dynamically

How to Calculate Toll

How to Consider Restricted Areas

How to Consider blocked Segments represented by an intersecting Linestring

How to Route with Combined Transport

How to Show Speed Limits

How to Use the Unified Profile Mechanism

How to Route with Emissions

How to Route with Emissions with a comprehensive approach

How to Route with Emissions with a factor-based approach

How to Use BCR Converter

Additional Use Cases

PTV xMap

How to Do Basic Mapping

How to Change the Language of Maps

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_SpeedPatterns

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TruckSpeedPatterns

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_PreferredRoutes

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TimeZones

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_RestrictionZones

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TrafficIncidents

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TruckAttributes

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TruckWaitingTimes

How to Install TrafficInfoLoader

How to Display Footprints of Buildings

How to Use Geometry Layer

How to Integrate Satellite Images

How to Add Copyright Automatically

How to Display POIs

How to Set Points and Lines in the Map

How to Use CustomLayer

How to Display Routing Layer

How to Adjust Map Transparency

How to Use Terrain Layer and Elevation

How to Use real-time Traffic Information with TrafficInfoLoader

How to Display Additional Geographic Data Stored in a Database

How to Integrate Web Map Services

How to Install Ajax Maps

How to Use Server-Side Layers With Add-On AJAX Maps

How to Add Custom Text to a Map

Additional Use Cases

PTV xMapmatch

How to Reconstruct a Route From GPS Tracks

How to Use matchPositions

How to Use matchPositions with the Unified Profile Mechanism (UPM)

How to Use matchTrack

How to configure dynamic heading weights to match GPS tracks

How to Use matchTrackExtended

PTV xCluster

How to Plan Cluster

How to Plan Multi Weeks

How to Plan a Week

Additional Use Cases

PTV xDima

How to Use High-Performance Routing

How to Handle an Asynchronous Process

How to Extend a Distance Matrix

How to Use the Geometric-Based Method

How to Import and Export a Distance Matrix

How to Manually Modify a Distance Matrix

How to Use the Reference Point Method

How to Use the RoadEditor

How to Use the Routing-Based Method

Additional Use Cases

PTV xTour

How to consider commuting times for tour period restrictions

How to Use High-Performance Routing

How to Use Sequence Optimization

Additional Use Cases

Loading Space Optimization

How to plan the loading of a multi zone vehicle

Cluster Planning

How to plan territories

How to distribute locations

How to change territories

How to visualise planned territories and KPIs

How to use the tour period estimation

How to choose between solvers

How to configure the territory algorithm profile and solver

How to improve the running time of requests